Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fullerton College Concert Choir's second concert in celebration of Independence Day at Stadtkirche St. Peter & Paul, Weimar on Monday, July 4 at 7pm

In celebration of Independence Day, the Fullerton College Concert Choir will perform at the St. Peter & Paul Church in Weimar on Monday, July 4 at 7 pm.The town church of St. Peter and Paul , a protestant Lutheran church- also known as the "Herder Church" - is closely connected with the name of Johann Gottfried Herder who worked here for 26 years as the general superintendent. His monument, standing in front of the church, was the first to be dedicated to a poet in Weimar and commemorates his philosophical, theological and literary work. His tomb can be found inside the church as well as those of duchess Anna Amalia and the original tomb slab of the painter Lucas Cranach. Today´s building was erected between 1498 and 1500. It is already the third church on this site - both the former churches burnt down. Especially remarkable are its gothic hall and the closed choir. The three-winged altarpiece by Lucas Cranach showing Jesus, the ducal family, Martin Luther and the painter himself is the masterpiece which he began during his last year in Weimar. Today, the St. Peter and Paul church is part of the UNESCO World Heritage.

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